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Quentin Tarantino Kokeshi dolls - Lucie Kaas

Quentin Tarantino Kokeshi-dukker

Af Lucie Kaas

I samarbejde med Miramax udvider Lucie Kaas sin Sketch.inc-kollektion med en serie af Quentin Tarantinos 8 mest ikoniske personligheder.

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Trends - 23 - Lucie Kaas

Design Trends - 2023

Af Simeon Eichel

It's time to capture the refreshing spirit of a New Year and redesign our interiors. Here are the 2023 trends!  ______________________________ Personality The New Year...

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Purple Poetry during Paris Design Week - Lucie Kaas

Lilla poesi under Paris Design Week

Af Lucie Kaas

Under Paris Design Week i september sidste år samarbejdede Lucie Kaas med den ikoniske konceptbutik Fleux gennem en Pop Up-installation med titlen "Purple Poetry".

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World Refugee Day 2022 - Lucie Kaas

Verdensflygtningedagen 2022

Af Lucie Kaas
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Kokeshi Doll Production - Lucie Kaas

Produktion af Kokeshi-dukker

Af Lucie Kaas
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Design industry unites to shed focus on the global refugee crisis - Lucie Kaas

Designbranchen går sammen for at sætte fokus på den globale flygtningekrise

Af Lucie Kaas

Fundamental to the design industry’s existence is the reality that we all have a home to live in. But what happens when we have to...

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Before athlete activism was trendy, there was Muhammad Ali - Lucie Kaas

Før det var moderne atletikaktivisme, var der Muhammed Ali

Af Lucie Kaas

Today we reflect on Muhammad Ali as a philanthropist, civil rights activist, and as one of the greatest athletes ever. But make no mistake, at...

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Moonbeam in Yung's Bistro - Lucie Kaas

Moonbeam i Yung's Bistro

Af Lucie Kaas

In K11 Musea, the world’s first museum-retail destination lies Yung’s Bistro – a spin-off restaurant from Hong Kong’s historical Yung Kee Restaurant. Duo Vincent Lim...

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