The Lucie Kaas Kokeshi Doll Collection inspired by famous fashion icons is a stunning series of dolls that pay tribute to some of the most influential style icons of the past and present. Each doll is meticulously crafted with exquisite attention to detail, capturing the unique style and personality of the fashion icon who inspired it.

Coco Kokeshi-dukken viser den franske modedesigners klassiske og tidløse stil, mens Audrey Kokeshi-dukken viser hendes ikoniske lille sorte kjole og elegante frisure og den ikoniske Karl Kokeshi-dukke, der viser hans unikke uniform.

Whether you are a fashion lover or simply appreciate the beauty and elegance of Kokeshi dolls, this collection is a must-have. These dolls celebrate the creativity and influence of some of the most iconic fashion figures in history and are a beautiful way to pay homage to their legacy.


Fashion kollektionen er en hyldest til ikoniske modefigurer med udsøgte detaljer, der indfanger deres essens. Dukkerne viser i sandhed deres mangfoldighed og sans for stil og portrætterer disse ikoners essens på ulastelig vis.